Many residents of an area new or existing will have their own thoughts and opinions on crime within that area. Leeds is no different. Here at Churchill Security over the last 30 years we have seen countless examples of people who believe that becoming a victim of Burglary will simply not happen to them. This may possibly be true for some people but taking just a cursory look at crime statistics within the Leeds area people are experiencing burglary more frequently than most would imagine.
What do the statistics tell us?
By population Leeds is the 8th largest city in the U.K so naturally there will be more crimes reported than most areas of the country. Regarding Burglaries, Leeds has the 7th highest crime rate across the 104 England and Wales postcodes, so the rate naturally matches its size.
To more accurately analyse how likely you are to be impacted by burglary it is crucial to consider the crimes per 1000 of the population. This for the year 2019/20 was 12.5 which is nearly 6 people higher than the average for the United Kingdom. It is also important to note that when analysing the data on a per month basis there is tangible difference. This suggests that unlike most areas of the country levels of burglaries in Leeds are not affected by seasonality.
Impact of COVID 19 on crime rates
During our many years in the industry we have seen several external factors create new and challenging situations for us to overcome. Arguably the most notable one would be the current COVID 19 pandemic.
It has not just impacted greatly the way we live and work but also the way criminals act. When the statistics above are compared to the year before a reduction of 27.4% is seen. This is undoubtedly due to the tough lockdown restrictions that make crimes such as burglary more difficult to commit.
This type of statistic can always be used as a way of legitimising the belief that investment in a security system or part of one is not important. But if there is anything we have learnt over the 30 years we have operated in the industry it is that criminals will always find a way.
When we investigate the statistics that are related to the pandemic we see some troubling trends. Before lockdown the average number of burglaries committed was usually between 800 – 1000. This dipped to as low as 400 during the timeframe of the toughest lockdown restrictions. Worryingly this statistic is now beginning to trend upwards back towards pre – lockdown levels. This shows that even with slight loosening of restrictions criminals are using it as an opportunity to commit crimes. For more information on how the COVID – 19 pandemic has affected your security please visit our blog post on the subject.
Do I need a security system?
Taking these statistics in isolation or with the COVID 19 related fluctuations they make for less than reassuring reading. Whether you own a domestic or commercial property in Leeds either could be a tempting opportunity for burglars.
Implementing part of or a fully integrated security system will undoubtedly help give you piece of mind and potentially deter criminals. Here at Churchill security we offer both options with products including Intruder alarms, Access control and CCTV. Contact us to speak to a security professional about your requirements.

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